All payments terminate at the end of a calendar month i.e a day of one month to the corresponding day of the next month

We use a blended curriculum; consisting of the British and the Nigerian Curricula.

Students are given class activities, assignments, tests and examinations as in a regular school; performance determines entry into the next level. Monthly performance reports are displayed on the student’s dashboard and also sent to the parents/ guardian.

To adjust your learning time, simply contact your class coordinator to assist you.

Yes. The program has been designed with live classes so as to maintain the integrity of a regular classroom (where student can interact with tutors and fellow students)

Students engage in online board game competitions (i.e. chess, monopoly), debates, spelling bees and coding competitions.

Yes. Kindly read and download the guidelines below

            Class Conduct Guidelines

            Examination Guidelines

For further enquiries, kindly contact our service representatives.

            08054975630,  08054976017, 08037467890.